A note on-
generational wealth as a measurement for impact.
Aquarian business is relational, not transactional.
And in that, intimate bonds are formed with something we’ve been taught had to be distanced & cold.
When I chose to be an Aquarian Entrepreneur, I knew I had to start thinking differently.
How is this product or service going to support the other?
-Past the results & promises.
-Not topically, beneath the surface.
-Under their skin. To the core of their being.
What do I get in exchange?
-Past the dollars & payment.
-Not topically, beneath the surface.
-Under my skin. To the core of my being.
These exchanges have to outlive the moment of transaction.
Did you know that wealth used to be measured in generations.
Now it’s measured in seasons launches.
Breeding the impulsive building of barriers & boundaries.
To protect what’s mine, not yours!
I believe ‘survival of the fittest’ is not our nature, it’s our nurture.
Jolting me into the uncomfortable intimacy that being part of a living system mirrors.
There is no-one without the other.
The rewards are plenty.
But come with a price-
the relinquishing of your status within the hierarchy.
I see how I’ve weaponized this power,
and also how it’s been used to bury me.
But more clearly than all of this, I’m see my choice in dismantling it.
Not through anarchy-
with synarchy.
remember, care for your energy first,
talk soon
💵 This is what a Universally sustainable economy looks like?- Video
👩🚀 Scientific ways we are all connected to one another- Documentary
🤢 I call BS on these “Ethical Businesses”- Article
🧭 Human Design Soul Maps for a seasonal reset- Product
ES World
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/ The Counter Cultural Podcast
Crying. Hot tears. This host me right between the eyes. I’m a 3/5 splenic projector who (as i can feel the next ‘thing’ bubbling) -keep hearing the 10x - ‘i launched at $20k/month’ messages - and just want to quit. This message today gave me vision, alignment, and hope. It makes me proud to work - proud to connect - energized to love and honor (deeply) each client, each soul. It offers permission to listen to the part of me that says, “if you try to build it this other way one more time, it will break you. “ - the part of me that doesn’t want to be a guru or a teacher. But a mirror - one that reflects the best in people- the highest potential - one that allows THEM to feel empowered by their own intuition- and connected to source for all. It affirms my desire to simplify even more-to honor where it says it wants to go (i was in bali for 6 months last year and never did connect with it…so i feel you there). So grateful for you Jas. So grateful. Thank you for putting words to the deep welling groans that are rising in so many of us 🙏🏻✨🙏🏻✨
To answer your question- I would say, the way I show up. I've decided that my marketing/branding needs to feel more than needs to sell. Jas & Alex- I feel seen through your work. Thank you! I have felt like such a fraud in creating my S-Corp business because it has felt like one big illusion that I am having to do, to simply have my passion and purpose in a material world. I am a 1/3 Projector and have struggled most of life not knowing the human design information about myself. I have created my interior design business as a way to help others in their healing journey through creative living. It's taken me over 20 years to be here today and state my purpose this way. I'm constantly resetting and relearning what it means to live in seasons. I'm still figuring it out, but as a multidimensional being- I no longer have a desire to create the same way I used to. I am in transition yet again and what I have found is that my skillset, as an HSP and Projector- my audience is much smaller than I thought. I am now directing my efforts to the few that will find their way into my skill. I am grateful for your work and for your sharing. Your podcast episodes and writings have recently opened up my world to so much possibility in how I could be sharing the impact of space and environment for a client base that is in dire need of support in healing. XO