What is Marketing?
“Marketing is about guiding the flow of information into the World.”
-Richard Rudd
It’s about resonance, a lasting feeling. Being able to sense you, your words & their true meaning. Marketing is about connecting to your vision, the one you’re carrying like a warm ember in your belly. It isn’t about convincing through scarcity, doubt, or fear. That isn’t marketing, that’s propaganda.
Authentic Marketing is speaking about the things that matter to you. Peeling back the layers and unveiling the curiosities that fuel your purpose & passions. Curiosity is a forgotten currency and one that will cut through the noise instead of adding to it. It’s your sensitivities, sincerity, and style that will summon those meant to find you.
Yet, if we don’t understand ourselves, at the very least a few basics about our energetic makeup, we won’t trust how we’re naturally designed to market. We’ll be swayed by the cacophony of advice hurled in our direction at any given moment. “Make reels. Share them on threads. Now do that 80 more times.”
We’ll paddle from one thing to another. Yearning for rest, nourishment & connection, wondering why nothing we try is working. We might make money but at the cost of our own or our team’s health, vitality & soul. When will we allow what no longer works to fall away? Choosing what is more aligned to us despite it being counter cultural to everything we’ve been taught. What I know for sure is that every method works. I use that knowing as motivation that my own way will work too.
Authentic Marketing asks just that, for our authenticity. The part of ourselves we’ve been told to hide because it isn’t professional, proper, or normal enough. Here’s the thing, it’s the “weirdos” that win. The versions of us that dare to be playful, imaginative & take risks. As customers, we want to be inspired, as entrepreneurs we want to make a difference but as humans, we just want to connect.
To do so, we have to be willing to go slow, even when the trends call for speed. Say no when our industry pressures us to say yes. Send one heartfelt email instead of cold messaging a hundred strangers.
Business can be simple. Learn about yourself through any pathway that resonates with you. Care for who you find (yourself) amidst your studies. Allow your ideas to flow unimpeded. Express your story with the dynamism of a child and allow yourself to receive wholeheartedly.
When you come into a relationship with who you truly are, you’re more inclined to trust the almost inaudible whispers and nudges from your inner Spirit guiding you to express in a way that is all your own. You’ll practice restraint, and it’s this that will become the backbone of your marketing.
Understand that there are already people out there interested in what you have. Your only job is to get to know your people, the very specific problem you help them solve, and begin educating them about the relief that lies on the other side. Pick the marketing channels that best support your pace & your innate communication talents. Let the platforms capture our thoughts & ideas, preserving them for future clients or customers to find.
I’ve learned the hard way but we’re not here to shout into a sea of emptiness. We’re here to stay on our shore, creating content that means something. Connecting it to both the mind & heart. Championing our product, our service, our message & voice.
How do we awaken our authentic voice after quieting it for so long?
Mercury’s Roadmap
— Uncovering the Message.
We return to the beginning. I will always advocate for entrepreneurs to learn about themselves through the lens of Human Design, Astrology & the Gene Keys because when we don’t know where to start, we start here, with Self.
Our charts have the ability to reflect honesty, transparency & wisdom back to us in a way many of us never received growing up. It doesn’t ask us to be anyone other than who we came here as. I often remind myself “The person in this chart is enough. I don’t have to be more than what I am to have what I want.”
So a few years ago I made a connection between Mercury & Marketing that gave me the courage to choose me. I didn’t have to contort myself to find my people. Change my voice or become someone I’m not. I started reclaiming my voice. Becoming even more selective, respectful & honoring of my inner nudges. I learned who my audience was (by who I didn’t want to work with), the topics they’d be interested in (the ones that interested me) & the marketing channels that fit my style of expression.
I have Mercury in Capricorn in the 6th house. My people care about being well. They don’t want to trade their health for money. They want their daily work to be meaningful and be service in some way (6th House). I know they are affiliated with business, and most likely are entrepreneurs. They are seeking purpose and want their careers to leave an impact, a legacy. They are practical but deeply spiritual. (Capricorn has one foot on land and the other in water). They appreciate quality and long form content like me that shares lessons, wisdoms & insights so they don’t have to do it on their own.
In the Marketing & Mercury workshop, I show you how to create your own marketing roadmap using your charts. Unearthing evidence of the ways you already use your authentic voice and where you can write permission slips for all the ways you’ve secretly wanted to market your business but have been too afraid to. Mercury represents the messenger. The sign represents the topics connected to our mission & the house represents the stage, environment, or people we’re designed to reach.
When we know this, content creation becomes a true representation of you & your business. You don’t have to rely on frantic, unethical tactics because you’ll feel connected to what you’re here to say. It’s impossible not to be heard when we speak with devotion.
Maturing over Seasons
— Making money with ease.
It’s kind of strange that many of us have to relearn living & working in seasons. This shows just how far we’ve gotten away from our nature. After an invitation from my dear friend Vaness Henry to begin watching my personal patterns and seasonal flows, I started to see that as a steady Generator Type in Human Design, I need more time. I’m inherently designed for sustainability & Slow Business. This is what keeps me healthy. So I sold out. Letting time be my first employee and money be the second.
With this in mind, I designed two distinct seasons I thrive best in—
a Capturing Season & a Nurturing Season.
My Capturing Season is my more outward & yang timeline. I reemerge from my cocoon ready to sow new seeds & take up space. Here I’m sharing my voice and message on public, more front facing airwaves. In this season I’m focused on capturing new eyes, and ears. Cross pollinating with friends in adjacent industries & seeing how we can support one another other. Opening up my calendar for speaking invitations & sharing content I created during my Nurturing Season. You could call this is my social butterfly season. Lately my Capturing Season has been aligning with the fall & winter months.
After this cycle, I welcome my more inward & yin Nurturing Season. Here I’m tending to who & what I connected with in my Capturing Season. I’m taking time to pour back into my own cup. Reading, resting & studying. Gathering inspiration. Reflecting on how the previous season went & use what I find in the Seasonal Business Review to guide my next steps. I’ll refine my offers, host member only events, and deepen the relationships with my customers, community & collaborators. Ideate on new content. Develop theories and share them first with private clients or dedicated newsletter readers.
This doesn’t mean that I’m not making money in my “off” season. It just means that my marketing becomes more passive. I allow the channels & portals I opened up in my Capturing Season to do the work of attracting my ideal audience. In the beginning, it will take a minute to find the pace & platforms that work for your business, let it. Give yourself at least 3-9 months to test and trial.
Your seasons will be unique to you. Your business model, your offers, your revenue goals, and even your team but the basics are the same. One season on, one season off. Using the momentum from your on-season to power your off-season.
Maybe you thrive better one month on and one month off. Maybe it’s two on four off. Maybe in the mean time you find another stream to supplement your income in your off-season so you don’t put so much pressure on your business. What matters is that you’re not abandoning your well being to make your business work.
Business is about building harmonious, biodiverse ecosystems. At the foundation of every healthy ecosystem, you will find a healthy founder. One who is choosing to develop mentally, emotionally, physically & spiritually. Saying yes to long term expansion over short term growth. Building ethically, sustainably & prosperously.
This is maturity. This is the future of business.
remember, care for your energy first.
talk soon
🍵 / Marketing & Mercury- A Slow Business workshop guiding you to uncover your Authentic Marketing voice with insights from your Astrological & Human Design charts.
🍵 / Empty Out with Emily Kelly- A nourishing & gentle somatic practice for the Head, Heart & Root centers that support you in honoring this seasonal shift.
🍵 / Monthly Business Check In- A live opportunity to gather, connect & workshop through any tension points in your business.
ES World
/ The Teahouse
/ September Playlist
/ Instagram
/ Website
/ The Counter Cultural Podcast
I love your capturing/nurturing themes. I'm excited to contemplate this for myself. Funny enough, I am cohosting a seasonal mastermind with a friend of mine. There are no coincidences. I am being called to attend to my rhythms.