Entrepreneurial Wellness is a big reason why Erah Society exists.
The truth is that we can be holistically well while building an ethical, prosperous & purposeful business. To bow with respect to the material world. Befriend it, learn its ways & play the game. There’s nothing spiritual about avoiding this. But stepping in and saying yes to the life that’s in front of you, now that’s holy. Make your physical world, your spiritual work.
Making money, holding on to it & turning it into a more regenerative resource are all part of the play. As creative entrepreneurs, we get paid to ground formless ideas into innovative solutions, but this process is practically impossible when you’re not holistically well. Sleep has been a huge focus for me this year and I’ve come to understand just how vital sleep quality sleep is to our overall well being and in turn our business.
It restores our mind, body & spirit. Connects us to a wider realm filled with opportunities to heal, harness new powers & download answers to our problems. But if you aren’t getting good sleep, your waking life and business can feel like a struggle.
In the early years of entrepreneurship, I used to think I could run on little to no sleep. I thought that my high tolerance for pain would just let me push through. No. I began experiencing all kinds of ailments. Skin rashes, digestive issues, anxiety, insomnia, eczema, just to name a few. I’d be working at the computer then all of a sudden find myself holding my breath, overthinking, enclosed in brain fog- and if you’ve ever experienced brain fog, it’s as though you can’t navigate through even one thought.
When I started to take rest, sleep & restoration seriously, that’s when I started to see momentum in my business. Business is really a quest of finding simple solutions, and applicable approaches, delivered through an authentic & empathetic voice. Simply, if you get a good idea, act on it. But without being well taken care of, good ideas won’t come, and if they do, we’ll be too tired, anxious & fatigued to act on them.
My Refreshed Night Time Routine
WINDING DOWN | I start my wind down process a lot earlier than before. My kids are usually showered & in bed around 8 pm so that’s when I’ve started to begin my wind down too. This is also around the same time my body thinks it’s okay to activate that second wind, this is what keeps me up until late so I try to avoid this urge, especially if I haven’t had a sacral response to staying up.
CANDLELIT SHOWERS | I noticed that I slept better and woke up actually feeling rested when I started to limit the amount of light I was taking in before bed. Our house is always lit with ambient & soothing lighting but especially as the sun is setting, I begin to turn all the brighter lights off. Showering with one beeswax candle & one of our Erah Society playlists is the spa moment I didn’t know I needed each night.
PHONE | Same goes for the phone light. I always keep my phone on dark mode, I also just love the black background with white text. But you already know that blue light is a drain of pretty much everything and I spend a lot of my time designing & writing on the computer. Around the time I shower, I also put my phone on airplane mode.
NO BOOKS | I’m defined in my Head & Ajna centers so reading too close to bedtime doesn’t work for me. It sounds romantic to fall asleep to a good book but this keeps me up thinking & pondering, so I opt for a clear bedtime table.
LIGHTS OFF | Huge theme here with lights, I need the mood just right before bed. That means turning off all the lights and having it be completely dark before I actually start dozing off. I love staring into the darkness of the room before closing my eyes since I haven’t found an eye mask that is comfortable to sleep in yet.
RESTORATIVE YOGA | Shavasan is the holy grail of yoga poses and doing at least one of these Restorative Yoga poses in bed before falling asleep is life changing. Alex, my husband, has joined me now and he says “It’s like an acupuncture session in bed”.
In week 2 of our Energy Fasting Satsang, ‘The fear of making money’, I talked about the obstacles we meet when we’re detangling the fear of making, holding & investing money and how to move through them. As an entrepreneur, cultivating a healthy relationship is not a preference or nice to have it’s a requirement. In fact, a healthy business has many aspects, and being ethically profitable & physically well rested are only a few of them.
Business is holistic, this is the future.
remember, care for your energy first
talk soon
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I love this! I have also switched to candle light with the arrival of shorter days, reintroduced epsom salt baths and love to brew myself a chamomile + lavender tea every night 😴
How long is this wind down process? I love the idea of candlelit showers! Such a vibe! And I’m checking out the restorative bed poses. I practice kundalini to clear + release energy before bed. I’m working on more winding down. The future homes I design will have dimmable lighting everywhere. 😌