If you’ve been tuning into the Erah Society IG, you would have seen my many shares on how I’ve been navigating my health & spiritual wellbeing via German New Medicine (GNM), Human Design, Astrology & the Gene Keys.
It has completely altered the trajectory of my life & I’m seriously thinking about going back to school- we’ll see about this one.
You know that feeling when vistas open up & suddenly you can see your entire life so clearly, yes this has been me.
I know many of us enjoy taking breaks from IG so I’m making it a priority to dual share the content on IG here on the blog as well.
Are you dealing with ‘mysterious illnesses’ too?
I’ve never doubted that illnesses or ailments had a root cause. I’ve been reading Louise Hay for years but GNM has clicked everything into for me. As a Fear motivated person, true satisfaction has dawned.
Here’s how I’ve been translating & synthesizing to heal.
Getting to the Root pt. 1
My process- this is how I have been navigating my symptoms.
Decode Symptom (GNM, Louise Hay, any symptom resource of your choice)
Translate Personal Baseline (HD, Astro, Gene Key)
Choose Conflict Resolution
Eczema is now only located on the Left elbow.
Dry, itchy, flaky scalp.
*I mention both of these because both are skin related. I will break down & connect the scalp 'Crown' in a separate article.
Energetic Cause-
“The fear of losing touch or contact with someone. Feeling rejected by a person. Wanting to separate from a person. Not being able to push someone away. A terrorizing boss or teacher, an annoying colleague or schoolmate, or an abusive parent or spouse” -German New Medicine
"Protects our individuality." -Louise Hay 'Heal Your Body'
“Left side for a right-handed person is the Mother/Child conflict.” -German New Medicine
"Receptivity, taking in feminine energy, women, the Mother." -Louise Hay 'Heal Your Body'
'Elbow represents flexibility, changing directions, undervaluing and inflexibility due to the influence of a third party (woman), capacity for radical change in direction lies in the elbow, which woman has influence over me, wanting to get some “elbow room”, severe self-devaluation conflict or loss of self-worth. -German New Medicine, Louise Hay, Luís Martins Simões
I've been experimenting with healing my eczema that came about during my first pregnancy with my son for 7 years.
I now understand that my pregnancy only aggravated the 'hanging conflict' which originated in childhood. GNM states many of us live with 'hanging conflicts' but no symptoms.
A few days ago, after my longest no flare up, one came on- but ONLY on my left elbow!
Because I knew that the left side is related to the Mother/Child conflict, I easily pinned down the exact memory.
I knew the ages of that experience were around 7 years old so I went straight to my SQ in Gene Keys. SQ, 0-7, is also the wound from our Maternal line.
My SQ is GK 14
Shadow Compromise.
Gift Competency (Flexibility!).
Siddhi Bounteousness.
Reading GK 14, the initial conflict memory came flooding back.
"The problem with modern school systems is that they tend to homogenize children. Many children simply do not suit schools at all."
At 7, I felt like a failed daughter because of my poor performance on a specific homework assignment. At that moment my vital life force & genius became frozen. (Gate 14 is in the Sacral)
Dr. Hamer, the founder of GNM says,
"We have to resolve our conflicts twice. First in real terms, then spiritually.”
So here’s my hypothesis. Now that I have pinned down the potential root conflict, I will have to choose how I’ll go about resolving this conflict. The thing about GNM is that there is no one modality or practice that can be prescribed for everyone. It’s such an internal & unique decision for everyone.
Since making that finding, my elbow, like clockwork has been clearing up. My right elbow is still clear. A huge shock because this has been the absolute longest it’s been clear.
The memory of my mom was deeply embedded. I ended up going through a very volatile physical and emotional release. I’m grateful my partner was there to support me.
I would highly recommend that if you are interested in doing anything like this you have a support system as you dig & unearth the emotional causes of any ‘mysterious’ or known ailments. As well as when you go to resolve the conflict.
As always, this is not medical advice- just sharing my 3rd line experience.
I recorded a podcast episode navigating all of this.
remember, care for your energy first.
talk soon
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Thank you for sharing this reflection. I have had eczema for most of my life and often contemplate the root causes. I'm also curious about how it shows up on specific areas of the body and the significance or meaning behind this. For example - mine tends to show up on my inner legs mostly (inner thighs and on the inside of the back of the knee), as well as on my upper lip. Do you think GNM or Louise Hay's resources would speak to this?
Looking forward to future updates and insights!!! I, like so many others, have had eczema chronically, often showing up in stressful times. It seemed to reappear around COVID, and has been exacerbated by picking (despite my best efforts). I’ve tried it all, prescribed and homeopathic. It is validating to hear another eczema havers experience (I often feel shame around it). And so fascinating to consider the more deeply rooted issues within this seemingly surface level skin-inflammation.