In a few days, Erah Society will softly open ‘The Teahouse’.
A digital, for now, Thoughtlounge, Studio & Oasis for whole Self awareness.
I never thought I’d get another chance at opening a personal & communal space like this after what happened.
In July 2019, during the thick of my Saturn Return, Alex & I closed the doors to our first brick & mortar iteration— Zeluwa Collections. I don’t think I’ve ever talked about it much. Mostly because it was such a heartbreakingly defining moment in my life as a young mom, entrepreneur & artist. (all Saturn returns are)
That fall was hard. Scraped knee, bruised chin, hurt ego kind of fall. We used our last dollars, called in favors and went all in. We took turns being with the kids while the other cared for the shop. We curated events, collaborated with creators & became the neighborhood sanctuary. I’m Shores Feeling, so tending to that space every day changed me. When we had to close down, I didn’t have time to grieve it. The next month we had to leave our apartment & move in with my mom.
Anytime we put it all out there & things don’t work out, we tend to make really grand stories. But after reflecting, we can almost always unearth the good, along with the hurt. What I was left with was a reminder of just how much love, admiration & ferocity I carried for that time. Looking back, I just want to hug her. Me. The me that felt like she could never creatively risk it all again after that fall. I want to tell her “You’re going to get another chance. And when it comes, it’ll be better than you could’ve even imagined.”
Almost 4 years later, to the date, a soft restart presents itself. I’m tender yet excited. Hopeful yet cautious. Buoyant & relaxed. Instead of saying ‘I’m not sure’— I’m open.
I haven’t seen many businesses shown this way but let me tell you, entrepreneurship is self-pleasure creation. It’s self-love creation. It’s self-respect creation. Aquarian business isn’t transactional, it’s relational in every perspective of the word. Not just between you & your clients or customers but between you and you. It’s devotional. Making offerings at the altar devotion. Soul stretching, soul affirming devotion— if you let it.
I will never get tired of saying thank you. Thanking that experience. That time in my life when a part of me believed in wonder & just going for it. And while I have the scars to prove it, I’d do it again in a heartbeat. In fact, I am. The next time you hear from me, I’ll be sharing all the details for the soft opening of The Teahouse.
Thank you for being here. I hope you say yes to whatever is nudging you to start again despite the fear. It’s circling you, it’s in devotion to you. And if you haven’t gotten the call to begin again, don’t worry. Another chance is coming, I promise.
see you on the other side

LIFE CIRCA 2018-2019.
ES World
/ The Teahouse
/ Spotify Playlists
/ Instagram
/ Website
/ The Counter Cultural Podcast
I deeply applaud you for trying again, starting again, and how you keep moving forward. As a fellow 3/5 - the experiment can be thrilling and exhausting. I feel the inkling of a new beginning for me is on the horizon. Trying to honor this space without getting to heady about the unknown. Watching you recreate yourself is grounding and inspiring. Thank you for sharing
Thanks for sharing Jas. I’m so happy to hear you’re open and relaxed because it would be so much easier to not heed the call, you are a brave woman for dusting off past disappointments and trying again 💕