As the year comes to an end, there is so much we can be reflecting on. For me, I look back and see how this year has asked me to fall in love with myself aka ‘know thy self’. To completely stop trying and wanting to do things like everyone else. To lead with uniqueness & differentiation. To free myself and allow my life to unfold the way it was designed to. This isn’t easy. It’s also not hard, it’s more about making a conscious choice. Not feeling rushed or dragged but chosen.
Sometimes we have to walk those choices alone. Sometimes we have partners, friends, and family that walk alongside us, but the truth we all know is that no one can walk it for you.
After re-listening to the last live stream- The 5 Things I Would Never Do Again, I felt this opening in my belly. This is me, my voice, this is how I learn, this is how I grow, share, and expand. It sounded like me & felt so good. This is the energy I want to hold on to as I enter this new year. Yes, I have financial goals, business goals, health & well-being goals, but this one, the continuation of being around people, places & opportunities that feel like me, is at the top of the list.
That livestream deeply inspired this month at The Teahouse.
I’m really excited to speak more about The 7-Year Business. Your comments, emails & messages have been filled with so many aha moments, and hearing your stories about how you’ve been naturally following a 7-Year Business Model was truly affirming.
There’s something really special about allowing our natural rhythms to lead instead of the dogma & propaganda that’s touted from industry to industry. We realize that we aren’t so different after all. We all want to experience our own version of success without having to sacrifice the very life we want to live. That might look like going against the grain. When everyone is going fast, you’re slowing down. Let that be okay.
In that Live, I spoke about the incredible relief that Bridge Businesses can bring us. As entrepreneurs one of the most stressful things we can do is put unnecessary pressure on our purpose-driven businesses to support us financially before they've matured. But a Bridge Business allows you to take a breather, and refine your skills while still maintaining your financial responsibilities.
I believe the reason Bridge Businesses are easier to act on is because the psychological hurdle isn't as high. You've been there, done that. The key however is approaching it with clear boundaries & intentions while also using it as an opportunity to refine aspects of your purpose-driven business.
After responding to a few expansive conversations, I opened up Holistic Business Sessions this month for anyone who wants to assess & intimately understand what season of business they’re in & even design a Bridge Business.
Finally, the long awaited Energy Fast for Sacral Beings will also be released this month. This has been on my list since February of this year and although it’s taken so much patience, there’s nothing like creating from response.
However you choose to spend this month, I hope you gather even 5 minutes to reflect on how incredible you’ve done this year. The obstacles & challenges you navigated and come through to the other side. That’s worth celebrating.
🍵 WORKSHOP ‘Business Models & Ethical Pricing’ — Dec. 12th
/ In this Slow Business Workshop, we'll explore an alternative perspective to building a holistic and sustainable business. You’ll be given the framework of The 7-Year Business so you can identify which season of business you’re in and discern what actually needs your attention right now. We’ll talk about business models, the importance of a Bridge Business & how to begin piecing yours together.
🍵 ENERGY FAST ‘For Sacral Beings’ — Dec. 17th
/ In this Energy Fast, you will take a focused journey of reigniting & regaining trust with your Sacral Response. Designed as a 30-day Fast, you’ll be guided through the Energy Fasting roadmap: Self Inquiry, Somatic Releasing & Imprinting exercises to experience a beautifully grounding experience for all Sacral beings.
This Energy Fast is only available for Seasonal Pass Holders
/ A 60-minute, one-to-one session for conscious entrepreneurs. These consultations are an opportunity to receive a focused end of year check in, attention on your Bridge Business if you desire to design one, and differentiated support to get you on the most sustainable & organically profitable path.
🍵 MONTHLY BUSINESS CHECK IN ‘A Community Gathering’ — Dec. 28th
/ Every month we gather live for a Business Check In to connect & share space. Ask questions, reflect on the month passed, & receive one-to-one support with any tension points in the way of your mind, body, spirit & business well-being. This will also serve as our year end Check In!
You can use either your Seasonal or Drop In Teahouse Pass to join this month. See you inside.
remember, care for your energy first
Erah Society
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/ The Counter Cultural Podcast
Mmmm so happy for you Jas 💗 I feel like I'm in the direction of also and felt so aligned with everything you shared on the finale episode of CC (so full of treasure). So excited to what see what your next chapter looks like also very curious about that song that Alex eluded to ☺️