"One day I found myself out of breath. Out of harmony with my life. I couldn’t separate my identity from the identity of those I had picked up from"
-Ep. 56 CounterCultural Podcast
It’s 2019 & I’ve just entered an out of body meditative experience.
Asking for, no praying desperately for clarity & peace.
I was scared & felt debilitating confusion around my path, journey & purpose. I had two kids under two & no idea what I was supposed to be doing with my life.
I was no stranger to body & joint pains which I accepted as part of teenagehood, athletics, motherhood, etc. No one ever told me that I was allowed to or was supposed to feel good in my body let alone about my path.
I grew up watching my very successful mother run herself into the ground to provide for her family. On rare occasions, she would pamper herself but only as a reward for pulling all nighters & centering her community first.
I witnessed as symptom after symptom went ignored. One summer evening during my junior year in college, I got a call from my mom saying she had driven herself to the hospital. Prognosis: a stroke.
After my second baby was born, I moved in & out of deep self-transformations, identity deaths & bouts of emotional overwhelm. Constantly seeking a quiet place to rest my head & return to my own Stream. The one where my body, my thoughts, my visions could be nourished.
As a 3rd line, it’s normal for us to heavily invest in a myriad of whatever we’re interested in. This is how we learn, how we make sense, how we refine. Healers, modalities, studies. You name it, I bought it- I just wanted to feel good in my body. I wanted freedom from the burden of carrying what wasn’t mine. I wanted a life built on clarity of why for being here.
And if I dare asked for more, I wanted to make a living creating & expressing from this clarity.
I believe we all want some variation of this. Still, because life is filled with its infinite mirrors, we get caught in the crossfire of parents, caretakers, partners, friends, jobs, and old society’s unconsenting projections & conditioning.
My obsession with health but mostly ‘alternative’ health runs deep. I have hinted over the years but never came out fires blazing but it’s time.
The ways we humans are evolving in the field of medicine, science & wellness is enough to give you hope for the future. And with Saturn entering Pisces in early March, this is only the beginning. We’ll be met with all matters of unseen, mysterious illnesses that will call for innovative yet grounded approaches.
As a Capricorn Sun Pisces Moon, Energy Fasting is the first practice that gave me the language to begin exploring & understanding my body’s health & Field in a way that I hadn’t before. More so, it gave me a personal baseline, a measuring stick for my purpose, business & well-being.
I have no doubt that many of the symptoms I’ve experienced are directly connected to emotional static & disturbances. Some of which I had been carrying for years & weren’t my own.
Never learning how to process.
Constantly being around people I should have had more say in.
Working in environments that were not conducive to my needs.
We are becoming more aware & that means our bodies are too.
I know this can be a sensitive topic, so I venture into it with immense curiosity & flexibility. We have no life without health. No business without clarity. No empathy without sensation. And no humanity without empathy.
Energy Fasting reminded me of the authority & true reign I’ve always held over my life. And how I have to return to this personal baseline over & over again. Gene Key 21, my Purpose sphere is really guiding all of this.
The demise of hierarchy & rise of synarchy. Where nothing outside of us rules over us- not even God.
If you’re a health, wellness & science enthusiast, then Episode 56 is for you.
We talk about:
Energy Fasting as an emerging restoration tool.
Physical illness as a symptom of energetic disturbances.
Gene Key 41.
My theories around Morphic Resonance.
Rupert Sheldrake’s lifelong scientific work around the Morphogenetic Field.
Tapping into the collective shared memory.
I know there are so many researchers, experimenters, healers, etc in this community & I want to hear from you.
remember, care for your energy first,
talk soon
Photo by Third Man
“I have tried many different 'business coaches' and have spent a lot of money on this. Founder sessions were something different- A new approach to business.”
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What an amazing share really enjoyed this tonality and love 💗
I listened to this episode earlier this morning and reading over your words here I feel like you are definitely on to something. I developed an autoimmune condition in my late 20s which took 6 years to be diagnosed and when it was I found out it is a "rare" condition but I feel like lots of what you mentioned has had a huge impact on my body. Because it took so long to find answers from doctors and because when I did approach them I was made to feel like it was psychosomatic or that I was a hypochondriac, I started down the route of finding answers outside of me from alternative sources and then beginning to look inwards. My health has come so far especially when I see the daily struggles of others diagnosed with the same condition as me. A big part of that was learning to see and let go of what wasn't my own to begin with and I am still learning and feel like whilst I don't use the same language as you, as I can definitely see similarities in how that has taken shape. Looking forward to seeing and learning more about this and will look at the YT link you mention in the episode.